
One of our first books was in 1992 by Luis Huete. Since then, we have published more than 12 books, translated into different languages, in which we have summarized some of the ideas that we use in our role as trusted advisors. The books focus on aspects of business reengineering, management models, people and culture, customer management, self-leadership, etc.

Portada de Liderar para el bien común

Liderar para el Bien Común

Author Luis Huete y Javier García Arevalillo

Editorial LID Editorial

Year 2015


Liderar para el bien común passionately defends the axiom that what is good for individuals and for society, almost always, ends up being good for companies. Throughout their book, Luis Huete and Javier García explain that many times the leadership talent of the managers greatly marks the course of society; and offers reflections, tools and historical basis to favor the idea that the leader´s talent is centered in common good being more present in society.

*Note: this book is only available in Spanish.

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